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Thursday, March 17, 2005

New Media Faculty Meeting Minutes #32 

New Media Department Meeting
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
1:15 p.m. – W870
Minutes # 32

Present: David Clearwater, Chair, Bob Cousins, Nick Fai, Terry Gallie James Graham, Christopher Moore, Anna Pickering, Gerald Prost, Daniela Sirbu, Will Smith, Hei-Young Shin, Visiting Professor, Jeff Milner, Student Representative and Jill Payant, Recording Secretary

Regrets: Jill Flaman

I Adoption of the Agenda – with the following additions:
3.5 Art & Technology Committee
3.6 Teaching Supplement

II Adoption of and Business Arising from the Previous Minutes (sent to the department members on Thursday, March 3, 2005)

III Items for Information
3.1 Chair’s Report – Nothing to report.

3.2 New Media Month (Smith) Please be reminded that Saturday, March 19, 2005 is the culmination of New Media Month 2005. Activities will be held at the Lethbridge City Center Foyer with visual performances starting at 8:00 p.m. This event will feature seven New Media faculty submissions; Amrita Desphande, Leanne Elias, Christopher Moore, Will Smith, James Graham, Hei-Young Shin and Gerald Prost. Refreshments will consist of a $2.00 cash bar, sodas, and light snacks.

Bob Cousins has volunteered to help Will set up the screen for the Saturday event.

3.3 (New Media Candidate Search Itineraries) (Clearwater)

Deadline for the Academic Assistant Position and the 9-Month Term Position is March 25, 2005.

3.4 Tom Calvert – March 30 & 31, 2005 Visit (Clearwater) David has emailed out tentative schedules for those who will be meeting with Tom Calvert. These interviews will be approximately 45 minutes long.

3.5 Faculty of Fine Arts & Tech Committee (Sirbu) Daniela reported on the recent establishment of the Fine Arts & Tech Committee, which consists of one faculty member from each department: Arlan Schultz (Music), Rolf Boon (Music), Daniela Sirbu (New Media), Michael Campbell (Art), John Farwell (Theatre and Dramatic Art).

This committee has been established to oversee the use of media technology in the Faculty of Fine Arts. The Committee is currently asking for a list of technical assets that belongs to each department in order to facilitate research proposals for each department, based on specific department needs. After lengthy discussion, New Media is hesitant about submitting this list until the directives of the purpose of the committee is clearer and whether this will be used for teaching or research purposes. Davis has suggested submitting a partial list of technical assets when specific research/funding proposals are being drafted.

The committee has identified other technology-related goals:
- increase each faculty’s web presence significantly
- inform and train interested personnel on the policy and use of the Sound
Recording Studio (properly known as the Audio Research Lab - please email Daniela if you are interested or think you may be able to use the music sound studio.

The following is an email sent to Arlan Schultz regarding the Banff Centre for the Arts Visit on March 23, 2005:

“We are working to initiate a program series or enhance some of the current programs by facilitating discussions between our two institutions that we hope will stimulate the creativity of attendees and help generate collaborative activities between artists and researchers at the University of Lethbridge and the Banff Centre.”

“At this first event Jason Morelyle will be speaking about the Banff Centre’s programs and the potential for interdisciplinary work/study with the U of L.”

Please join us, everyone is welcome:

Banff Centre Artists Visit is
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
12:00 p.m. – 12:50 p.m.
Speaker: Jason Morelyle, The Banff Centre for the Arts

“Following the presentation we will be hosting an informal discussion until 1:50 pm. It will be held as a free-form discussion where Arlan Schultz, the chair of our Fine Arts Technology Committee will guide the conversation as moderator. The purpose for the discussion will be identifying how we can present and celebrate each other's work.”
Joann Priestley

Please respond to Daniela Sirbu with all of you thoughts and concerns in regards to the Faculty of Fine Arts & Tech Committee.

3.5 Teaching Supplement (Sirbu) Daniela requested clarification as to whether monies used to purchase necessary software or course specific supplies, is in addition to the instructors teaching supplement or in place of. David replied that we often purchase faculty software with the larger purchase of software for the labs. The teaching supplement is meant to offset costs directly relating to teaching and the delivery of courses. This can include software, books, DVDs, video games, trial copies of textbooks, etc.

IV Items for Discussion / Action
4.1 Policy Regarding New Media Equipment Access and Sign-Out (Gallie) Concerns were voiced with regards to the illusion of responsibility for the New Media department and FFA equipment loaning and it was determined that a policy should be initiated to protect the New Media department specific equipment.

A major suggestion was to propose that the FFA as a whole, purchase one each of all necessary media equipment, which would be loaned to faculty members as needed. This would eliminate the constant outstretched hand to NMED for equipment use. The department might also consider purchasing one piece of sought-after equipment (DAT recorders, high-end video cameras, etc.) that could be loaned to faculty in other departments and keep the majority of equipment for students and use by faculty in delivering courses. We might—as a department—want to be strategic and diplomatic with regard to other FFA departments while still protecting the pool of equipment.

David asks that department members give this situation thought and report back at a later department meeting.

4.2 Schedule for Performances/Student Showcase for Next Semester (Clearwater) The department reviewed potential time lines for upcoming New Media events and are taking into consideration advertising information, student artwork submissions and the requirements involved Suggestions included the following possibilities:

Beginning of Semester Open Submissions (September)
New Music/New Media (November)
New Media Mixer (January)
Graduation Showcase (January)
New Media Month
Faculty Submission Event (April)
End of Semester Student Showcase (Late April)

4.3 Agenda Items for Curriculum Retreat (Clearwater) The department quickly reviewed the agenda for the upcoming Curriculum Retreat tentatively re-scheduled for Monday, May 2. If you have any additions to the agenda please submit them to David Clearwater.

4.4 Textbook Orders (Clearwater) Gerald Prost, James Graham and Chris Moore to see David regarding Summer II, III book orders.

V Other Business – David presented the possibility of purchasing the following items for the computer labs: TV, VCR DVD, headphones, and a sofa. Will be discussed at a later date.

VI Adjournment – Pickering, 2:50 p.m.

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