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Monday, November 01, 2004

New Media Faculty Meeting Minutes #24 

Wednesday, October 20, 2004
1:00 p.m. – W866


Present: David Clearwater, Chair, Bob Cousins, Amrita Deshpande, Nick Fai, Jill Flaman, Terry Gallie, James Graham, Christopher Moore, Anna Pickering, Gerald Prost, Will Smith, Jeff Milner Student Representative and Jill Payant, Recording Secretary.

Regrets: Daniela Sirbu

I Adoption of the Agenda with the following additions:
3.7 MOCAP Course (Smith)
3.8 Grad Update (Smith)
4.4 Food and Drink in Labs (Smith)

Pickering/Graham. Carried

II Adoption of and Business Arising from the Previous Minutes (sent to the department members on October 14, 2004). The following changes included:

Regarding Minutes # 23, Item 4.4, Sound System in B520, Nick Fai reported that he has found less expensive speakers for the sound quality issues in B519 & B520 labs.

Minutes # 23, item 4.8 to read: CPU Acquisition in PE240 and 3DMAX for MOCAP Course (Smith) (Spring 2005) CPU has been purchased for this lab and was obtained as a department purchase.

Regarding Minutes # 23, Item 4.11, Accommodation for Special Needs Students (Cousins). Bob Cousins has obtained an outline from Student Services indicating the student’s responsibility for obtaining their specific learning accommodations. A copy was sent to the department members on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 and will follow these minutes.

Pickering/Moore. Carried.

III Items for information
3.1 New Media/New Music Concert Update and Reminder (Smith)
The call is still out for NMED submission for the New Media/New Music Concerts, scheduled for Friday’s November 12 & 19th, 2004. The deadline date for faculty or student submissions, is 12:00 noon, Oct 29, 04. As general reminders, please inform your students of the submission deadline, also, encourage them to purchase their tickets in advance. There will be no complimentary tickets given to this event. If you have any questions or concerns – see Will Smith.

3.2 Nomination /Election for Student Representative (Clearwater) Regarding the New Media Student Representative Election email that was sent to the New Media Student Body on Tuesday, October 12, 2004, nominations for one (1) Student Representative will commence on Tuesday, October 26th, 2004. Forms may be obtained from Jill Payant in W850. Email election for the nominated candidates will commence on Tuesday November 2, 2004 and ends at 4:00 p.m. that day. Election emails are to be directed to Jill Payant at Please remind your students to vote. Jeff Milner remains as the 1st of two Student Representatives, for continuity sake.

3.3 New Media Student Society Update (Clearwater) A number of first year students are trying to organize this society. They have had one meeting thus far, with approximately 10 people in attendance. Please inform your students and encourage them to participate.

3.4 Student Tutorial for Incoming Students (Clearwater) Brian Lutchmeesingh will be presenting a Student Tutorial designed for first year student on lab usage and protocol on Saturday, October 23, 04.

3.5 Protocol for Incoming Faculty (Clearwater) A detailed orientation list for incoming faculty was produced and forwarded to the existing faculty for their input. Faculty comments and itemized additions will be included and an updated draft will be presented at a later date.

3.6 Spring 2005 Timetable Now Online (Clearwater) Spring 2005 Timetables are apparently now online, but include minor errors with course assignments, which will be corrected within the next few days. David needs to firm up course assignments for fall 2005 and to this end, sent around an information sheet outlining fall 2005 and spring 2006 course assignments. He has asked faculty to review this material and will shortly be arranging appointments with each member to discuss the current outline.

3.7 MOCAP – Will Smith reported that there would be a movement component with the 3D Manipulation Unit. David has asked Will to write an explanation of the movement component.

3.8 Graduation Update (Smith) James Graham, Anna Pickering and Will Smith attended Fall 2004 Convocation over the weekend. There were six (6) graduates from the New Media Department.

IV Items for Discussion/Action
4.1 New Media Mixer Update & Last Minute Needs (Clearwater/Graham) The New Media Mixer is scheduled for Friday, October 22, 2004 and because of information confusion the start time will be approximately 7:30 p.m.

Guest Speakers Brad Kinley and Michael Wasiak will present for approximately 10 minutes each. The Library will supply equipment for proper sound system.

4.2 FFA Policy for Markers and TA’s (Clearwater) An FFA Policy
Meeting is scheduled for, Thursday Oct 22, 8:00 a.m. with the goal of establishing an FFA wide policy regarding markers and teaching assistants.

David asked that each faculty member reflect on the specific needs of a NMED department policy and has asked each member to submit a short paragraph outlining their current or past use of markers and teaching assistants.

4.3 Curriculum: NMED 1000 (Clearwater) Stricken until next department meeting due to time restraints.

4.4 Food and Drink in Labs (Smith) Concerns were voice with students not adhering to the ‘No Food or Drinks’ policy in the labs, leading to expensive equipment being compromised. Proctors indicated policy is difficult to enforce due to student non-compliance and proctor disrespect. Will Smith encouraged the dept as a whole to report any infractions. It was strongly suggested to reinstate drink tables inside labs, near doorways, where students can leave snacks visible, eliminating the need for foodstuff near workstations. It was also acknowledged that the Breakout Rooms are in close proximity to the labs for those who need a refreshment break.

Motion: For the faculty to become more pro-active in supporting the No Food and Drink Policy in Labs. Smith/Pickering

Motion: To reinstate drink tables inside of labs.
Smith/Fai. Carried.

This item will be discussed in detail and added to the curriculum discussion meeting.

V Other Business
5.1 Update New Media Calendar (Clearwater) Please review the monthly department calendar attached to the agenda and let Jill Payant know of any upcoming events that you would like to see included.

5.2 Next Agenda (Clearwater) Please keep the agenda items to a minimum for the next department meeting to discuss in depth the New Media 1000 Curriculum.

VI Adjournment – Pickering. 2:15 p.m.

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